Wednesday 2 May 2007

Miss Simpson

If you know me personally you'll know that I am a major fan of Jessica Simpson.
Like her NUMBER ONE FAN!!! The reason my hair is blonde and long is because of her. I have even started to think about what I would like as a brunette (and I'll admit it) purely because it looks HOT on Jess.
What's not to love about her? She's kooky, cool, beautiful and big boobed. Every guy wants her and every girl wants to be her at least once in their lives.
What else do I love about Jessica? She embraces herself, the fact that she may have put on a a few kilos since being with Nick (mind you she was a stick insect anyway)who cares? She's now with a gorgeous down-to-earth rocker dude.
As if there's not a miliion and one things to love about this girl she's given us one more! So far she's given us a beauty line, Dessert (an edible one at that!), hair extensions, Hair U Wear. Now... Drumrool please, she is bringing us a fashion line.
Jessica Simpson footwear, apparel and accessories will be launched in Oz in the near future and will be aimed at women 18-30. Her products have been described as "fashion forward, accessible, comfortable & timeless". Jessica says "I am every girl, I want my clothing to be accessible and fun... I want women and girls to feel comfortable and confident wearing my products,"
She had me at the word Fashion Line! I can't wait! And if the photo I have included(of Jessica) is anything to judge by this really is the start of a world wide empire for Jess. Move over Oprah - Jessica will be next with a talk-show!
Til next time,

Girl Next Door x