Thursday 24 May 2007

Feeling The Love

It seems that today is going to be a really good day. Do you know how I know this? As I was walking to work I had my I-pod on shuffle and do you know how much it was loving me song after song, after song, after song were my faves ( I guess it helps that I recently uploaded my lastest and greatest tunes onto it). But today is one of those days that I can feel in the air how good a day it will be. Australia's Biggest Morning Tea (to raise money for The Cancer Council) is going on in a little under 10 minutes and I attempted to make pink cupcakes which I have to say looked devinely scrumptious when I was icing them at 11.30pm last night.
I propped my pride and joy into my bag this morning and was on my way to work. After carefully manouveriung them to work I got here and opened my bag only to see that the icing had melted and was kind just looking like a big old pink mess. Oh well my co-workers have said they look like they were made with love and you know what - they were! The love I feel for everyone who has ever had or will get cancer - raising funds today to support this very good cause I know I'll be eating my cupcake knowing that I have made a difference even in the tiniest way. So get out there and give your gold coin today! Head to for more details on how you can donate.

Love you to all,

Girl Next Door xx