Monday 2 April 2007

How lucky we are...

Ever get the feeling you get alot a luck?
Maybe you wonder why it is that you get no luck at all. You have no money, you're not in the job you want to be in, you would rather be living with your worst enemy than your family (some days) ooh, and you're diet started last Tuesday, but so far you've had Maccar's for lunch 3 days in a row.
Now have a think about the people who lost most of their families in 9/11. The families that have lost a family member today in the Tsunami/earthquake earlier on today in the Solomon Islands.
Definitely makes me think how luck I am that I have a really healthy life and a healthy and happy family. I've got a gorgeous boyfriend who I love to death and who I know returns the affections. A best friend who's there for me through everything and knows what I'm thinking before I even do.
I think if we all stopped to think about what it was that really mattered in our lives, like the things that aren't materiallistic to us. We'd all realise how lucky we really are. As far as I'm concerned I'm richer than the queen herself!

Girl Next Door xx