Tuesday 24 April 2007

What I'm heart-ing at the moment

Let me know if I or anyone overuses that word but God, I heart it! (sorry)
So I guess everyone has heard of the old i-pod by now. We've all got one or know someone with one. But let's face it, anyone caught without WHITE headphones in their ear is considered So. Not. Cool.
If any of you are not down with the latest technology to hit the i-pod epidemic, here's the 411...
The guys over at Apple have partnered up with Nike; the world known US sports label have come up with the Ipod Sport Kit. For app. $49.95 you can have someone reminding you that 'you have 10 minutes to go', when your 'half way point' is and 'xx amount of calories you've burned'. If you need something to get ou motivated then this is it. I've been trying for months to get my boyf out and about with me doing some running or walking and he started to get into it but just kept getting bored. After buying him one of these we actually get jealous when one of us has gone for a workout with Pod and when the other hasn't.
This is how some of our convos go these days:

Scott: Babe I think I'll go for a run in the morning.
Me: OMG I am SO jealous I am too.
Scott: Well not if I do first.

Then, whoever's alarm goes off first is the winner, type of thing. Not really but you get the gist. AND it's SO cool coz if you both have one and go on runs at seperate times you can measure up against eachother and see how well you've done.
Ooohhh did I mention that at the end of your workout you get a famous sports star voice over who congratulates you on your efforts. The Personal Trainer of othe 21st century ladies and gentlemen. if only Britney new about these she'd be a new woman. And a wealthy one these things are such a good price for what they're worth.

Log onto for more details.

Wow I should be a promo chick for these guys!
Happy ANZAC day all.

Girl Next Door xx