Wednesday 31 October 2007

Oops, they did it again!

You know how I was having a go at the really bad service I got at Sportsgirl a couple of weeks ago?
Well, it turns out that the shoes I bought have broken. Yes that's right the $99 I spent on my flat silver shoes with the major bling have fallen apart. One of the blings has fallen off! I can't...well actually I can believe it and I am going to walk in there at lunchtime and demand an exchange! And if I don't get it...let’s just say you'll be hearing about it. Let's just say NW (the biggest gossip mag in my building) will be hearing about it.

It's not that I don’t like Sportsgirl, but from the bad service to the brakeage of the merchandise I am so not impressed!

Why do these chain stores continue to put their prices up when their product is so crap! Everyone is wearing it and it’s not even good quality!
The funny thing is I keep going back for more. I keep going to spend my hard earned cashola on the stuff.

Can someone please explain to me why and how we keep paying these prices for such bad quality product? I saw a dress in Sportsgirl the other day for $300! $300! And then I saw two people in the street wearing it and it wasn’t even a nice/hot dress!

Leave me your thoughts….please!

Girl Next Door x


frangipani princess said...

That's sooo bad that you spent that much many on some chain store shoes and they broke. I love chain store shopping but honestly, i try not to pay more than $50 for anything in supre etc unless it's realllly nice because i know that everyone else will be wearing it. I would definately demand a refund! hope it went well!!
gege xx