Tuesday, 13 November 2007

Wheat intolerances are the new black!

‘I swear everytime I have bread I feel so gross after it and so bloated! I think I’m going to stop having it purely coz it makes me feel so bad.’
This is something that I have heard a lot lately. I just walked past one of the offices in my building and one of the Cleo girls was screaming it down the hall way. Friends of mine are feeling crap because they’ve had a sandwich for lunch. But why do you suppose this is?

I am one person who has completely cut white and brown breads (plain flour and wholemeal flour) out of my diet. In other words I am allergic to wheat. Not allergic as in break-out in hives and my throat closes up, but allergic as in everytime I eat a wheat-touched product my face bloats up, my tummy bloats up and I just feel generally yucky. As women we all know that’s something that we’d rather avoid.

So how did I first come to terms with the no-wheat policy? I mean, I was addicted. I ate cereal for brekkie, wraps for lunch and pasta and bread for dinner. Not to mention the occasional sweet, ie cake, biscuits, etc. luckily when I found out I was allergic to wheat I had already started to wean myself off the stuff as it was making me feel so gross. After I knew what the problem was I set out to make my life a better one - minus the wheat. Although I’m not Celiac* I am borderline so it’s important I stay away from wheat as much as I can. I still have the odd bit of wheat here and there but only bite sized portions, as now that I have stopped having it, it’s even harder for me to have it again (if that makes sense).

As hard as it may seem to some of you to stay away from wheat it’s not hard at all! There are so many different options these days it’s almost better being allergic as I have so much more to choose from. There are heaps of other breads I can have if I really want as well. Like rice bread! As for the other cravings, i.e cake cravings there are so many places that sell gluten-free options I can have my cake and it too!
Marco Wholefoods Supermarkets are popping up everywhere and provide so many options for wheat intolerances.

So next time you have a sandwich or a wrap and you feel really gross after it, then I’d suggest heading down to your local Macro or health food shop and checking out the other options they have available.
You’ll feel better for it in the end and if you have break out problems on your face it could fix them up!

If you think you or someone else might be Celiac then consult your doctor. If you are Celiac then head to this site, they have all different kinds of gluten-free foods and you can buy them online!

Girl Next Door xxx

*Celiac is a disease that affects many people, basically you can’t have ANY wheat products at all. Ever. Generally if one member in your family suffers from this disease then other members of your family will be more to likely to as well.


frangipani princess said...

hmm a couple of the teachers at my schpp; are celiac and so are some kids. I don't eat a heap of wheat but i still eat it (bread and pasta mainly). I have never felt bad after eating it but if i ever did i would stop. great post.
gg xx

frangipani princess said...

gosh im a bad speller, i meant school

Toongen said...

my sister is wheat and lactose intolerant, but she still eats it all the time.. she does gte her gluten/milk free stuff though, like bread,ice-cream, pasta etc..

so u can sitll eat all those things.. yummy!! and some of its really nice..

xoxo.. toongen..

ps.. i thought it was coeliac or is it one of those words wiht different spellings??