Thursday, 15 November 2007

Carefree Schmearfree

WARNING: Men who read past this point have been warned. You may be intrigued to keep reading. Not my fault so don't freak out when you get to the third sentence.

‘30 bands, 2 days, 1 pair of underwear’. We’ve all seen the ad on TV. While we’re eating our dinners and watching our fave US TV shows we, as women are invited to sample out the Carefree pads. These hygienically clean pads that we can change without having to change our underwear for 3 days (or so they say). Does anyone else find this disturbing? What in the world would make me decide to purchase the Carefree pads or tampons to wear to a two-day festival just because they could last me through one pair of undies for the entire two days? Why would I want to wear one pair of undies over two days anyway? They are the smallest item of clothing to pack and rolled up take up about 4cm x 4cm of space in my suitcase (and in that space I could fit 3 pairs). Not much when I’m worried about keeping myself clean over two whole days, is it?

For centuries women have been getting their periods. I’m not sure how women handled theirs 60, 70, even 40 years ago but I do know one thing for sure; today’s generation find it of the utter-most importance to be clean and tidy (ahem) at all times. Cue the Brazilian’s that 8 out of 10 women are receiving every 4-6 weeks. The endless array of tampons and pads we have available to us and the prize awarded to the company who can make tampons and pads look the prettiest. My current fave are the gorgeous and innovative Moxie tins. After using the tampons/panty liners you are left with a cute tin to put all your favourite knick-knacks in. But, what, you ask does this have to do with plain and simple cleanliness and hygiene?

With the growing trend of cleanliness, hygiene and feeling sexy getting stronger everyday for women around the world, the Brazilian will soon be something that the majority of the population subside to (if it hasn’t already). Whether you have a boyfriend or not, a Brazilian wax gives something back to a woman (as well as her boyfriend). She feels sexier than ever before and can wear skimpy underwear and bikinis at the drop of a hat, without having to worry about a ‘sneaky-peaky’ poking through. As new a development as it may seem to our generation, Brazilian waxing first came about in the late 80’s; it was introduced in New York by a group of Brazilian sisters. These sisters obviously felt the urge to be completely clean and tidy each and every day. I think this would have involved the daily changing of their underwear, don’t you agree?

Whether you get Brazilian’s or not the fact is all woman love attention to detail. I’m talking about detail to our bodies and detail to our tampon packaging. With the amazing colours and designs we can get these days I could honestly spend about an hour in the tampon aisle (as I’m usually shopping with my boyfriend, loitering in the tampon aisle is usually kept to a bare minimum). It’s quite distracting walking down that aisle, every company is screaming for our attention to keep clean, tidy and organised. Something that Carefree wishes us not to be.

I for one would not be caught dead in one pair of undies over two whole days at a music festival ESPECIALLY if I had my period. Coz that’s just downright gross.

Til next time,

Girl Next Door xx


frangipani princess said...

oohh moxie tampons/liners are soo cute!! the carefree ads are a bit strange now you come to mention it... i def. wouldn't wear the same pair of undies for two days.

Toongen said...

i luv the moxie tins!! i used to always luv the carefree tampon packs coz they hav cool patterns..

hmm i def. wouldnt spend an hour in the tampon aisle tho.. bit weird i think..

xoxo.. toongen..

Toongen said...

i also luv the libra facts.. they soooo cool.. and interewsting..