Thursday 5 July 2007

A couple of things....

Firstly I wanna know how in God's name did Nicole Richie get pregnant?
I mean don't get me wrong, she's my favourite little ano in Hollywood - but pregnant? How does Size zero cover being able to grow another person inside you. Anyways congrats to her and Joel I hope they'll be very er happy together (aren't they broken up?)?

Don't think this little stunt is going to get her out of going into the slammer either - oh no. The L.A Police Dept has confirmed that if infact she does get sentenced to jail this will not affect anything. What A-holes though - do these people have hearts? Guess not....

Also word on the street has it that if you're in the area of the Northern Beaches this Saturday (7th July). There is a monster garage sale going on! Clothes, books, shoes, jewellery, mags, CD's, hats, tiaras and heaps more but it won't cost you an arm and a leg (maybe just your arm!) So follow the signs to Ruskin Rowe in Avalon (2107) and grab yourself a bargain! Please beware that there is a steep driveway to walk up... consider it your workout for the day!
You may even end up recognising the hostess!

Girl Next Door xxx

P.S Pic courtesy of This is the one that confirmed pregnant rumours about Nic.