Wednesday 18 July 2007

Bye Bye Good TV

I'm not sure how many of you based your life around Prison Break on a Wednesday night or cleared your calendar on a Thursday night for Heroes? But I, for one did. Not to sound sad or anything but what's a girl to do with low funds, a credit card debt AND hello, have you been outsdie today? It's FREEZING!
My Wednesday and Thursday nights are now offically non TV nights. I mean yes, I could watch those endless episodes of The Simpsons (is anyone else sick of that family yet?)which are pretty funny sometimes I must admit. But it just does not fit the bill that Wentworth or Milo did.

Not to diss The Box too much, I mean last night's Victoria Beckham comes to America special on Channel 9 was truly an event of a different kind... whether you love or loathe her I do not know one person who could stop watching. And let's face it I know you watched it too! Now that's good TV!

So on that note I will be going home tonight to spend some quality time with my boyfriend (who's way better than Wentworth or Milo anyday!)... and crank the heater!

Stay warm,

Girl Next Door xx