Wednesday 23 January 2008

Pretty, happy, fun things…

We interrupt this blog for an important announcement...
May Heath Ledger rest in peace. Some people don’t think they belong in this world, it doesn’t matter how much they are loved or adored something inside them tells them they’re not mean’t to be here. It just goes to show that money does not buy happiness. Although the cause of Ledger’s death is not known as of yet there is a lot of speculation. I am not going to go into that today. If you want to see the full story about Ledger then check out CNN for breaking news updates.

In other news the sun is finally shining in Sydney and the birds are chirping tunes that Mika is only capable of belting out!
It’s a new day and a day where anything can happen. You could get a new job, your best friend could get engaged, your boss could be turning 30 tomorrow (yes, that’s my boss!). There are so many beautiful things in this world but sometimes we just need to be reminded of them. You know what a lot of mine are, you’ve forgotten? O OK, I’ll refresh your memory - my family, my boyfriend, my friends, my pink teddy, my passion for life and my work, fluffy animals, steaming hot bubble baths, strawberries and cream, mangos, Sara Lee French Vanilla ice cream, warm sunny days, pink sunsets, sunrises over the ocean, compliments, BIG DAY OUT – ooh and my Disney Couture bracelet - I could go on forever!
But enough about me - What do you love about your life? What is beautiful to you? I’d love to hear all your stories. They’ll brighten up my day x 10,00000!!

Peace Out,

Girl Next Door xox


frangipani princess said...

i love days when the sun is shining (but i love rain) when i'm hanging out with my besties, shopping, beaching or just having fun. i love people commenting my blog and getting random happy emails. yay i love life! its sad about heath but if he was unhappy... i just feel for his daughter...

gg xx